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SAT Certification Exam

SAT Overview

Since March 2005, high school students taking the SAT have been encountering a brand-new Writing section, more advanced Math questions, and a revamped scoring system�among other changes. In these articles, we'll walk you through exactly what to expect on the new SAT and to prepare.

SAT Online Free Exams

The SAT test have the two major exams that are Math Section and Critical reading Section. There are free sets for practice exams.So Click on the Go For Test link for Free online exams.
Exam Name Test Papers Go For Test No. Of Questions Time Allowed
SAT Certification Exam 20 20:00 min
15 15:00 min
Note: Click on the for free online exams.

Upcoming Dates for SAT Registeration

Although the exam is administered several times a year, most high school students take the SAT in the spring of their junior year and/or the fall of their senior year. Registration deadlines tend to fall approximately five weeks before each test date.

Upcoming dates, plus registration deadlines, are listed below:

Exam Date Register By Late Registraton
01/04/2006 24/02/2006 08/03/2006
06/05/2006 03/04/2006 12/04/2006
03/06/2006 28/04/2006 10/05/2006

Recent Changes to the SAT

In March 2005, the College Board instituted a series of sweeping changes to the SAT, the admissions exam currently taken by more than 1.4 million students annually as part of the college admissions process.

The changes to the exam include:
  • Wider score range
  • Greater emphasis on critical reading
  • The addition of Algebra II to the math test
  • The addition of a written essay as part of a new writing test
  • Longer test time
  • Higher cost
Major Changes:
  • Elimination of analogies and quantitative comparisons: The Verbal section of the SAT is now called the Critical Reading section, and it no longer contains analogy questions. Instead, this portion of the test includes more short reading passages in addition to the longer selections. Also, the quantitative comparison component of the Math Section has been eliminated.
    Analogy questions have been the source of frustration for years. They were rarely taught outside of dedicated SAT courses and considered irrelevant to most standard curricula. Students resented spending time outside of their normal schoolwork to prepare for them and criticized many of the items for being too vague. Educators dislike "teaching towards the test" and prefer to spend their time focusing on basic skills.
  • Expansion of Math Section : The content of the SAT Math Section has also changed to cover material studied through three years of high school. Besides the traditional Algebra I and geometry questions, the section now includes items from Algebra II and other higher-level math courses.
  • Inclusion of the Writing Section : Since March 2005, SAT test-takers have been asked to compose a persuasive essay based on a given prompt. Essays are graded based on structure, grammar, and organization. The new Writing Section also includes two sets of multiple-choice questions, and accounts for for 800 extra points on the SAT, bringing the total maximum score up to 2,400.
Your Complete Guide to the SAT Subject Tests

SAT Subject Tests include more than 20 different tests focusing on specific disciplines or subjects, such as English, history and social sciences, mathematics, physical sciences, and foreign languages. Each subject test lasts one hour and consists entirely of multiple choice questions.

The SAT is largely a test of verbal and math skills. Although, you need to know vocabulary and some formulas, it's primarily designed to measure how well you read and think rather than what you know.

SAT Subject Tests are different. These tests are designed to measure what you know about specific disciplines. Sure, critical reading and thinking skills play a part, but the main purpose of the Subject tests is to determine exactly what you know about math, history, chemistry, and so on.

Subject tests that are currently administered include:

American History and Social Studies Biology Chemistry
Chinese with Listening English Language Proficiency French
French with Listening German German with Listening
Italian Japanese with Listening Latin
Literature Math Level I Math Level IC
Math Level IIC Modern Hebrew Physics
Spanish Spanish with Listening World History

SAT Tests

You have identified your goal and are ready to prepare yourself for this highly Specialized SAT Certification Exam. You want to score high, the course is large and the time is less.

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