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TOEFL Certification Exam

TOEFL : Overview

The Test of English as a Foreign Language� - TOEFL measures the ability of nonnative speakers of English to use and understand English as it is spoken, written, and heard in college and university settings.

The Internet-based TOEFL Test

The TOEFL Internet-based test all four language skills that are important for effective communication: speaking, listening, reading, and writing. The test helps students demonstrate that they have the English skills needed for success. TOEFL also emphasizes integrated skills and provides better information to institutions about students' ability to communicate in an academic setting and their readiness for academic coursework.

The Computer-based TOEFL Test

The computer-based TOEFL test measures English language proficiency in the following areas:

  • Listening
  • Structure
  • Reading
  • Writing

TOEFL Online Free Exams

The TOEFL test have the number of exam papers.There are free sets for practice exams.So Click on the Go For Test link for Free online exams.
Exam Name Test Papers Go For Test No. Of Questions Time Allowed
TOEFL: Test of Structures Exam-1 20 20:00 min
Note: Click on the for free online exams.

Who Should Take the TOEFL Test?

Nonnative English speakers at the 11th-grade level or above should take the TOEFL test to provide evidence of their English proficiency before beginning academic work. The test content is considered too difficult for students below 11th grade.

Many institutions report that they frequently do not require TOEFL test scores of certain kinds of international applicants. These include:

  • Nonnative speakers who hold degrees or diplomas from postsecondary institutions in English-speaking countries (e.g., the United States, Canada, England, Ireland, Australia, New Zealand)
  • Nonnative speakers who have successfully completed at least a two-year course of study in which English was the language of instruction
  • Transfer students from institutions in the United States or Canada whose academic course work was favorably evaluated in relation to its demands and duration.
  • Nonnative speakers who have taken the TOEFL test within the past two years
  • Nonnative speakers who have successfully pursued academic work at schools where English was the language of instruction in an English-speaking country for a specified period, generally two years.
  • Students should contact their prospective institutions directly concerning their specific admission requirements.
Where Can People Take the Test?

The TOEFL test is offered in 180 countries around the world at

  • Institutional locations, such as colleges and universities
In areas where access to computer-based testing or Internet-based testing is limited, a paper-based version of the test is administered on specific dates. The paper-based TOEFL test is generally offered at institutional locations such as colleges and universities.

TOEFL Certification

You have identified your goal and are ready to prepare yourself for this highly Specialized TOEFL Certification Exam. You want to score high, the course is large and the time is less.

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